Shallow Focus Photo of Gray Sand


in the









Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

Journaling in the sand was created by me, a counselor who loves journaling but dislikes writing, art, ​and isn’t particularly good at music.

I was searching for a way to express myself and discovered a love for toys and sand while studying ​play therapy. I found that these mediums helped me express myself in ways that created ​awareness, insight, and brought closure to aspects of my life.

Additionally, this method has enabled me to express myself better than any other. It’s a playful ​activity where you can unleash your inner child and be carefree with your thoughts. There’s no ​pressure to make it perfect, and it’s great for those of us who aren’t as drawn to writing, art, or ​music as forms of expression. (Just saying, I’ve learned that sand is really forgiving!)

So, give it a try, have some fun, and hopefully discover something new about yourself!

Beach sand in wooden tray on sea pebbles


Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

Why should I journal using sand? Well, why not? A sand journal is a visual diary where you can practice making art while ​expressing yourself at the same time. A sand journal can be anything, really. Anything goes as long as you do it for yourself and ​have fun!

You can even take a picture of your sand journal entry and write down some notes on your phone!

Start by creating a sand journal entry that describes whatever moved or troubled you during the week. For example, create a ​sand journal entry about a happy moment you had during the week or a moment where you felt annoyed.

If you feel a bit awkward and lost about your first sand journal entry, try the ideas listed below!

Number 1 Doodle

Introduce yourself

  1. Choose items to represent 5 characteristics you ​love about yourself.
  2. Choose items to represent 5 characteristics that ​you dislike about yourself and place them inside ​the sand journal tray.
  3. After that, take a photo of the entry and note ​down what you chose and why.

4. Take it a step further and create a sand journal ​entry for each negative characteristic.

5. Take a photo of each sand journal tray and note ​down your explanation for each characteristic.

6. Note down why you dislike it, how it affects you, and ​what you can do to change.

Congrats! You have just completed your first sand j​ournal e​n​t​r​y!

Number 2 Doodle


Feeling happy

1. Create a sand journal entry that describes a happy ​moment you had during the week.

2. Use items to depict the event/events you want to ​remember and take a photo.

3. Note down the reasons behind the characters you ​chose and any other specific items that were ​intentionally chosen.

4. Note down how you felt as you were choosing the ​items, creating the journal entry, and after it was ​finished.

Feeling annoyed

1. If it was about a moment where you felt annoyed,

2. Use the items to depict the event/ events that you ​want to remember, take a photo.

3. If you could rewrite that moment, how would it look? ​Feel free to move the items around or add more items.

4​. Take a picture and note down your explanation and h​ow you felt!

C​ongrats! You have just completed your first sand j​ournal entry!


Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

Use the sand journal to write about your ideas for a new personal project, or any other ideas, no matter how ​odd they may seem.

Number 1 Doodle

The vault dump

When you’re not sure what to create, try what's called ​a brain dump.

Just unleash your stream of thought onto the sand ​journal. It helps you get those thoughts out of your ​mind and onto something visible.

Start by jotting down random items that you are ​drawn to and placing them onto the sand journal, ​arranging them as you go.

Number 2 Doodle


Create a sand journal entry by choosing one of the ​questions below:

How do you feel today? Why?

How did it feel when your work wasn’t noticed, or when ​you got stood up?

What were your feelings when you reached that life ​goal of yours after so many months of hard work?

What you think a certain feeling looks like? (E.g., Create ​a tray that shows how excitement looks like to you.)

Number 3 Doodle

Other journalling prompts!

  • A favorite memory from your childhood / week
  • Lists : Dreams list, Travel list, Bucket list
  • Your current thoughts and feelings
  • Goals for the upcoming week, month, or year
  • Objects and activities that bring you joy
  • Something that scares you
  • The next place you’d like to travel to
  • What you did today or over the weekend
  • A negative memory from the week that you want to ​let go

Number 4 Doodle

The PA (positive affirmations)

  • Create a sand journal entry depicting the positive ​affirmation (PA) you have chosen. This could be ​based on a past experience or a situation from your ​imagination.
  • Consider the perspective differences between an ​aerial view and a front view of where you are placed ​in the sand journal entry.
  • Would the view cause the affirmation statement to ​change?
  • If so, what would the new affirmation be and would it ​be applicable to your life today?

After you have finished your sand journal entry…

  • Take a step back and observe your sand journal entry. Is there anything you might want to change or ​rearrange?
  • When you are satisfied with your entry, consider taking a photo and noting if there’s anything that stood ​out to you.
  • Write down the reasons why you chose certain figures, including the figure that represents yourself, and ​how you felt before, during, and after creating the sand journal entry.
  • Try to observe your position within the sand journal entry and your proximity to different elements.
  • When you're finished, give your entry a title!


Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

If you want to do this with your children, choose a question that you would like to answer as a family and ​create a sand journal entry as an expression of that answer.

Suitable for children 10yo and above.

  • What is your favorite memory together?
  • What is your greatest responsibility?
  • What do you consider your proudest moment in 2023?
  • What is the hardest part of growing up?

  • What did you have to say goodbye to this year?
  • What do you look forward to this year?
  • Create a tray that shows 2 things you are grateful for today!
Family Reading a Book Together

After you have finished the sand journal entry as a family...

Share about the sand journal entry that you have made.

Each family member has to say 1 thing that they liked or noticed about the sand journal entry.

Note down any interesting thoughts that have been shared.

Give your sand journal entry a name! You could even ask the rest to name your entry for you.

Repeat this process until all the family members have had a chance to make a sand journal entry.

Family Riding a Bike


Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

These activities are suitable for children 10yo and above.

Guess Who!

  1. Create a tray about an interesting person in your ​family. (The creator of the tray is not allowed to talk ​during its creation or the group discussion.)
  2. All the other family members are to discuss who ​they think the person is.
  3. Once decided, the creator will reveal share about ​the tray before revealing the answer.
  4. The game ends once everyone has had a chance to ​create a tray!

Keep Silence. Little Black Girl Showing Shh Sign On Yellow Background

Gratitude Tray

  1. The oldest person (parents, it’s time for you to shine!) ​starts the gratitude circle by creating a gratitude tray ​for the person to their right.
  2. Create a tray depicting an act that the person has ​done this week for which you are thankful!
  3. The circle ends once everyone has had a chance to ​create a gratitude tray for someone in the group!
  4. It’s just like writing a thank you card, except this time ​you are using figurines and sand to express your ​gratitude for the person!

I can and will - confident positive affirmation


Black Grunge Underline

Journalling in the Sand

Number 1 Doodle

DM us on instagram if you have any questions!

Just click/scan the QR code below!